James Campion fighting for lipstick and Elvis
'The United States is prepared to take $42 billion of your money to rebuild
a country they just spent an estimated $4 billion destroying'.
are costly articles everywhere, and more so in this country than
any other under the sun."
- John Adams There is the assumption among the literary set that
most people sit when attempting to read. If for some reason you
find you are the exception to this, it is time you grabbed a squat.
The United States is prepared to take $42 billion of your money
to rebuild a country they just spent an estimated $4 billion destroying.
By all measures, this is a whopping bill for dismantling an Arab
Sorry, I'm wrong.
Afghani women can now wear lipstick, Tora Bora bars can restock
their jukeboxes with Elvis records and the US Army has successfully
proven once again that without the help of a global power behind
rebel factions, most Arab nations fold like cheaply tailored Boy
Scout tents. Yes, and the transport of the 50 Taliban and al Qaeda
detainees, currently being held at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo
Bay, could not have been cheap.
The stockholders of this republic needed to be consulted on this.
We're funding 12-hour airplane trips with two guards per man, jail
cells furnished with handy Korans, televisions and exercise bikes?
That's got to run in the high six figures for each guy. And this
does not include a lengthy trail vehemently protested by Ed Asner. |
I think a public
vote was in order: High six figures for transport and lodging or $45
per man to put a bullet in their heads where they stood. This price
could have been negotiated down, if they were to dig their own pits
for easy dumping.
Sure the options range from disturbing to brutal, but this is a damaged
economy and we were told that SURVIVAL is the order of the day.
And I'm referring to domestic survival here.
Now that the rabid purchasing of American flags has subsided, the US
economy is on a record roll of futility. Last year, for the first time
since I began sucking air, the rate of inflation reversed upon itself.
This is the economic equivalent of "Planet of the Apes". It
just doesn't happen.
This Enron fiasco is so patently evil and corrupt, it threatens the
future of corporate embezzlement, inside trading, or anything that dupes
the middle class into droned mediocrity for the remainder of this century.
There is a web of lies and financial indiscretions, and then there is
Armageddon. The good people at Enron careened into the latter. And there
is very solid evidence suggesting its malfeasance is not unique. After
all, this is a country fueled by corporate greed.
What shall we do without it?
Things are so bad right now, by the time you finish reading this sentence
another thousand people will be out of work. Apparently not even K-Mart
will survive this, which will adversely affect the wardrobes of millions
of mid-westerners.
Lord Almighty, even the executive producer of ESPN Radio New York is
hounding me with poetic e-mails about $100 worth of Miami Dolphins paraphernalia
I've owed him for two years of bad gambling, even though that wretched
team mistook the first round of the play-offs for a goddamn bye week.
Wars are supposed to be good for economies.
What the hell is going on?
So now
that the tears have dried and people can stand on planks above Ground
Zero and see the results of the New War, and Osama bin Laden's corpse
is making its way across the Mediterranean Sea on a motorized dingy,
or whatever wildly misguided intelligence you'd like to believe, it
is becoming apparent that our president is about to be in the same spot
his father found himself a decade ago.
The CIA has plenty of evidence that the Iraqi government, or regime,
or madman dictator, aided and bankrolled the attack on this nation.
This is not a subject of debate. It is a given. What is before the current
administration is that if the United States actually continues this
War on Terrorism it will have to do so in Baghdad or it will be waltzing
toward failure.
Either that or the state department can start taking requests for Dublin
and a house cleaning of the IRA or perhaps a raid on Manila's transcontinental
drug cartel. But that seems even less likely than a chief executive
with the last name Bush doing anything to upset the massive oil concerns
in Saudi Arabia or inconveniencing the other nations of this precarious
alliance currently thriving in terror central.
And if I can borrow the tired holiday advertising campaign that THE
TERRORISTS HAVE ALREADY WON IF you don't spend your money like a drunken
sailor on doomsday, despite the stock market looking like a Dickensian
We continue to chase dead men around the Middle East. As covered extensively
in this space, al Qaeda will not allow figureheads to fall into enemy
hands to be humiliated by the Western Satan. They have long since assassinated
them for the love of Allah. The remedy is to call their bluff by claiming
we've already captured bin Laden and Mohammad Omar and have sentenced
them to clean toilets in the Pentagon unto death.
We spend five seconds listening to Senator, Joseph Biden, chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His money-pit scheme to continue
raiding caves and craters in Afghanistan with American troops is insanity.
Get those kids out of there or face another Somalia farce, adding to
the astronomical costs of lunatics idly waiting to form governments
with third century BC, chieftain/war lord civic methods.
We don't completely abandon military presence in Pakistan before the
impending nuclear piss fight with India turns the region into a smoking
sinkhole. Its government is barely in control, and a war with a rabid
neighboring enemy will cause American causalities and diplomatic troubles.
Not to mention the costs. At the current rate, we'll be giving back
that $400 a head in order to pay for this John Wayne, macho hoedown.
Hey, vengeance is an expensive ride
© James campion 2002
email realitycheck@jamescampion.com
Previously by James
ISRAEL - Blinded by the light?
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