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'Grandma Swivelhead, fortune tellers and bodies in the Thames, a boy's induction to a ghostworld'
Mean Tide by Sam North
'An engaging, unusual and completely engrossing read' - Beverly Birch- author of 'Rift'

Another Place To Die

by Sam North

'Beautiful, plausible, and sickeningly addictive, this will terrify you and thrill you.'
Roxy Williams -

Curse of the Nibelung
A Sherlock Holmes Mystery

by Sam North -
'Chocolate will never seem the same again'
Sunday Express

Diamonds - The Rush of '72 By Sam North
Buy now
'a terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
Also from

All opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers &

Hackwriters is a non-profit , non-paying journal based at an academic institution but welcomes contributions from writers. We reserve the right to publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy - see submissions


The International Writer's Magazine -July EDITION 2008 - Welcome
Ways of living
Old Train through a New Country:
A Ride on the Reunification Express by Josh Lew
Ha Noi is a city at peace with its yesterdays museums feature Vietnam’s wars with France, America, and itself.

‘Ayubowan’ Sri Lanka
Marianne de Nazareth
It was super flying into the spanking new airport in Colombo, with gleaming Imperial White granite floors. The sight of soldiers everywhere armed with automatics frightens, but the beauty of the country wiped it away in a flash.

George Carlin 1937-2008
James Campion
For over a half century George Denis Patrick Carlin was the standard bearer of the principles on which this space was founded: Nothing is Sacred and Truth Need Not Apologize

On Reading ‘Pulp’
Dr Marwan Asmar
Pulp, is written in an easy style, one that gets you very quickly involved from the first page, even first word, sentence, and paragraph.
Froggy went a courtin’ on the Web
Antonia Greco
While carelessly perusing the Internet the other day, I stumbled across a creepy, new phenomenon in Internet chatting called Camfrog.

Eerie resemblances
Dr Marwan Asmar
The resemblance is eerie. He is the same and the same and the same.

Tetsuhiko Endo
The Irish have this word, craic, which has no direct translation in the English language.  It describes a good time.  But it's not just any good time...

EMS Duty in Tondo
Antonio Graceffo
"How do you shower on a twenty-four hour shift?" I asked, noticing that there was no plumbing. "We can use the hose from the firetruck," answered the chief.

An Afternoon in Azogues
Tyrel Nelson

I’m not a superstitious man. In fact, I think it’s funny that my so-called 16-unit building really only has fifteen apartments
Van Gogh’s Spicy Little Secret
David Russell
"You're wasting your time!" - the not so subtle reaction reaction to a Van Gogh story idea I had, "Following Van Gogh". It was a specific photograph taken in Arles, that sparked my thought line.

It's a hap-hap-happy day
James Skinner
No matter how bad things are around the planet, Spain, its government and its people always look on the bright side
18 IN '08 Parts I & 11
James Campion

The Internet influences every dimension of the political and campaign process. In fact, its driving many campaign professional out of their minds. They no longer have complete control over their message
Last Hurrah for Old Friends
Tyrel Nelson
I did a double take. While I moseyed toward the middle of Cuenca's Parque Calderón I was almost certain that I knew the pair of young, specs-donning gringos ahead

Cultural Dementia (The Emigrant's Fate) Changes
Lois Tietzel
A few of the things that I suppose I can remember having changed after coming to Germany, in a cultural sense. After so long in a foreign culture, you forget what has changed and what hasn't,

In Uruguay on a Bus
Tetsuhiko Endo
I was sitting on a city bus late one Sunday night in Montevideo, Uruguay, with no idea where I was, only a vague idea of where I was going
Original Shorts
Alan Stokes
I'm all over the place. Too much is happening in my head. I need to slow down for a bit. I've told them that - shouted them that - but they just won't listen to me. They think I'm okay.

Of Turkey and Chicken
Sidi Cherkawi Benzahra
I was eight, going on nine when my family lived in a small house in the suburbs of Rabat, Morocco. The suburbs back then were dusty, hot, and poor
The Getaway
Martin Green
Ok what's going on? Why are you here son?
Tessa Foley
You won’t feel a thing. Not a thing.

I was one of the first to have the operation.

Hurricane Bobby: A Survivor’s Story
Antonia Greco
Showing up wasted at the bar you work at on a day off can be quite disconcerting, yet quite comical. Ah, yes. I said it. Drinking off of the clock: For those of us in the bar industry, we’ve all done it, we’ve all seen someone do it, and we’ll all do it again.

King-Fu Panda

Jack Clarkson review

There are literally no limits to what the characters can do. What results is a movie in which I genuinely became engrossed and would happily watch again just for those battle sequences.
Kung Fu Panda and The Brooklyn Monk - Antonio Graceffo

We all know the story of the sculpture who was asked how he carved such a perfect warrior from stone. He answered, "The warrior as already there, I just removed the excess stone."

Wannabe a Writer? By Jane Wenham-Jones
Lisa Timmermann review
What makes this book stand out from the crowd is the author’s very original, light-hearted and self-ironic voice.

More about film here

Film Space
Debates & Profiles

Season of the Witch

by Natasha Mostert
Frances Lewis review
An extraordinary Gothic novel, reads the blurb on the inside cover, that takes on big themes – love, death, alchemy, the power of the human mind to transform and transcend reality – and wraps them into a thriller narrative… well, this is partially true
All Aunt Hagar's Children
by Edward P Jones
Dan Schneider review
Reading the latest book of short stories put out by Pulitzer Prize winner Edward P. Jones, All Aunt Hagar's Children, was a profound disappointment

The Knife of Never Letting Go
by Patrick Ness
Sam North Review
'Brilliant and exciting ground-breaking novel'
Approaching the Other –
Georgina Horrell, Samuel Durrant & Michael Marais on JM Coetzee’s 'Disgrace' by Ashley Hibbert
Durrant argues that instead of being able to tackle historical events and their emotional implications at the same time, writers and their readers can only come at the emotional implications indirectly.

Borderlines Vol 2 A Literary Spark -
A University of Portsmouth publication from the School of Creative Arts, Film & Media - Buy now - available from Lulu Press & Blackwells, Amazon on-line

Borderlines Vol 2 - A literary Anthology of new fiction, travel writing and poetry from the Creative Writing Programmes and invited writers at the University of Portsmouth, UK, under the editorship of Freya Scott, Ryan Sirmons, Aby Davis and Sam North

'An exciting insight into the amazing talent and diversity of new writers out there today' Stuart Olesker - Playwright

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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The Tutors: Alison Habens,
Sam North, Steven O'Brien & publishing guests
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'Our writers aim to start and complete a novel in their time of study here with support from fellow students and staff in a friendly creative atmosphere.'
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