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See submissions for deadline dates usually by 27th of the month.

We welcome intelligent and observant travel articles from around the world and review pieces (film, literature, and other arts). We have a policy of rejecting defamatory material or work that would offend. There are other places for that material.

Hacks exists to aid writers experimenting with their craft and share their experiences with others. We do like people to read the current issue and be aware that other people may also be writing about the topic you have chosen to write about.

Submitted material should be written in Word and between 1000-2200 words, spell-checked and where possible be factually correct, hopefully written by you rather than Chatbots. (If submitting travel journeys it is useful to state airlines, hotels and useful contacts at the end of the piece and include the odd pic 72 dpi)

If writing fiction, do check our section in Dreamscapes to see what we consider suitable material. (No poetry for example) It is widely varied but we do reject horror or excessive foul language and/or explict sexual content which is adequately catered for elsewhere on the www. Please add your name and blog or website to any article as well.
We are happy to link to your other work.

Please see the guidelines for submissions before sending us an article.
We do not pay for articles - this is a portfolio building site and it exists for professional and emerging writers.
Please add your name and email address to the actual submitted piece attached and a link to any blog you may have. Finally when accepted an on-line share your piece using the links at the bottom of the article! Good luck.

Hello travel.com Best Travel blog 2018
Nominated for NATJA Travel Writing Award 2015
Four NATJA Travel Writing Awards 2014
Two NATJA Travel Writing Awards 2013
Two NATJA Travel Writing Awards 2012
Four NATJA Travel Writing Awards 2011
Digitally Catalogued by the British Library 2009
Nominated for New Statesman Education Website 2006
Guardian Media Award Winner 1999 (As Bloc)
Guardian Media Award Runner Up 2000
Skylines Travel Writers of the Year 2001
New Statesman Community Website Nominee 2004
Linked to the The Times Higher/Writers Guild/Writers Handbook


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