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The Curse of the Nibelung -
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by Sam North

'Chocolate will never be the
same again'
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The International Writer's Magazine: Our Eleventh Year - May 2010 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living
Navigating Fort Kochi
Matthew Crawford

The tranquility of the train station in Ernakulam, the largest sub-city of Kochi, signals an India in repose
Turtle Bay
Marianne de Nazareth

We decided to head to Turtle Bay in Kundapura, which is on the coast of Karnataka in India.
New Zealand
Tim Pile

My advice? Book ahead
The Other Side of Shanghai
Habeeb Salloum

We began our journey in Shanghai’s Old Town, whose history goes back for at least one thousand years.

A Walk Through New York City
Erika Demberg

Much to see - bring a camera

Hill Country Lovedale
Marianne de Nazareth

Founded by the British in 1812. It is still comparatively unspoilt and a veritable Shangri-la

Wilton’s Music Hall
Susan Radcliffe

If you really want to experience something special, find your way to Wilton’s Music Hall in East London

N.J. Faux Revolution 2010
James Campion

Checking in on Governor Chris Christie's Reduce-Government Experiment
Is Gold Your Friend or Foe?
Michael Levy
In the past 10 years there have been a number of bubbles that went pop
Will Spain Survive?
James Skinner
The financial meltdown threatens Spain's social structures

How Safe are those ionized mangoes?
Andres Botero
Food irradiation represents a hazard to health because it produces radiolitic molecules, chromosome disruption, and loss of foods’ nutritional values.
Landmines and Redemption in Cambodia
Antonio Graceffo
Aki Ra risks his life and freedom in the face of political pressure in order to help landmine victims. He dreams of a day when there will be no more mines in Cambodia
Changing Higher Ed
M D'Agneau
Why not getting into College may be the best solution for you

The Wonder Woman Factor
Nicole Cirone

There is something about the Wonder Woman Factor that lingers, something so scarring that to this day my sister has not completely reconciled the issue
Suffering in Silence
Abigail George on Depression
The illness was there for a long time. Now when I look back the truth about it is undeniable.
Amanda Callendrier
In France, bread is a serious thing. Every village has a bakery, and most have two or three
Sex Appeal
Naomi Spicer

To a lot of people in today’s society one's image is often more important than your actual financial status or, even, your true personality.

A Baby called Anne Marie
Living with HIV in Cambodia
David Calleja
on partners in compassion
Future: Certain
Andrew Peake
This is what I do most afternoons: visit one of my two favourite cafés. I do it, not for the coffee but for the entertainment, a distraction from the business of living
Fraser Island Outrage
Tom Coote
Life on the tour bus
REVIEWS Film & Books
Jay Marvin

Pulling off the road, Frank backed his car up to the sidewalk, popped the trunk placed his sign just right, and spread his works along the hot chrome of the car’s bumper

The Importance of Elephant Care
Thomas Healy

"Easy now, Charity," Sherm Pudakis, one of two full-time elephant keepers at the McLoughlin Park Zoo, said soothingly as he approached the enormous Asian animal. "Take it easy."

The Deer
Adam Graupe

He leaned toward me, and I flinched because I thought one of his antlers might clip my face.

Sunday Morning
Martin Green
After four months of marriage, Frank and April Bradshaw had developed a routine for Sunday mornings.
Out of the Picture
Abigail George

She asked her clients to call her Angel. The truth was that she preferred it that way. It made it easier somehow. It gave her a level of confidence and of discretion

The Cedar Tree Child
Based on a legend from the province of Napo in Ecuador's Amazon region.
Helen Pugh

White Cat by Holly Black
Published by Gollancz
Holly Trinder review
a brilliant story of magic, danger, mystery, and the simple problems of trying to fit in

Iron Man 2

Directed by Jon Favreau
Daniel Cann review

At times it does play like a Republican’s wet dream
Robin Hood (2010)
Directed by Ridley Scott
Starring Russell Crowe
Daniel Cann review
This is unlike most other adaptations ... I found this refreshing rather than sacrilegious
Monsters of Men
by Patrick Ness

Walker Books
ISBN: 978-1-4063-1027-6
Sam North review
The third part of Chaos Walking is sheer brilliance - a battle against the Spackle for 600 blood soaked pages. Gripping and relentless, Todd and Viola go through hell and beyond, each day could be their last.

Miss Understanding ‘My Summer on the Shelf’
by Lara Fox
(1 May 2010)
Megan Webb review
This is the 2nd book by Miss Understanding, a witty & hilarious ex-agony aunt.

Mission Telemark
By Amanda Mitchison
Bella Osborne review
Four teenagers trained as Special Operations Agents in the Second World War, risking everything to prevent the making of a nuclear bomb in their native home, the now Nazi-occupied Norway. 
Ghost Hunter by Michelle Paver
Review by Robert Sills
The final book of Paver’s critically acclaimed ‘Chronicles of Ancient Darkness’
Sphinx By T.S. Learner
Review by Daniel Cann
Alexandria, Egypt in 1977, on a dive to an old shipwreck archaeologist Isabella Warnock discovers an ancient artifact: an astrarium. This mysterious device is rumoured to have shaped the destinies of pharaohs and kings and even used by Moses at one time.

The Adoration of Jenna Fox
by Mary E. Pearson

Amanda Donovan
The Adoration of Jenna Fox is a fast paced and thought provoking thriller set in the scientific future
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
Published 3 June 2010

Holly Trinder
Fairy tales are not all made up, this is what the March sisters are forced to accept.  
Harri Stojka

Marianne de Nazareth

Legend has it that gypsies are born musicians. Harri Stojka awed Bangalore’s music aficionado’s with his effortless musical genius
I’d tell you I love you but I’d have to kill you by Ally Carter
Cathy Smedley
Love - Kill is an exciting ride through the turmoil of a teenage girl’s mind
The Beautiful Game - Georgie’s War
By Narinder Dhami

Review by Daisy Seely
Anger Management, Relationships and Football: a fun read
Skulduggery Pleasant: Dark Days
by Derek Landy

Review by Robert Sills
Dark days indeed as we enter the fourth book of the Skulduggery Pleasant series and the continuing adventures of the title skeleton, wizard detective and heroine Valkyrie Cane.
Della says OMG! By Keris Stainton
Joanna Maclean review

Good girls keep diaries. Bad girls don’t have time. Frank and funny teen diary novel
The Curse of the Toads
by Rebecca Lisle
Jade Harrison

This is the story of a boy who has just lost everything in the world that he holds dear and the confusion and loneliness that follows.
Couch Potato Film Festival
Dean Borok

I didn’t really see the point of attending the Cannes Film Festival this year. Since my pal Madoff lost his French yacht and got locked up for eternity-plus-150 years, I wouldn't have anybody to hang out with anyway.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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