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The International Writer's Magazine: Our 12th Year - May 2011 - Welcome
Travel stories & guides
Politics & Issues
Ways of living

New York to Kyoto
A Memorial Day Special Vacation
Buy a ticket now and help Japan on the way to recovery
How to find a restaurant in Vietnam

John M. Edwards

In imperial Hué, Vietnam, “ethnic eats” expert John M. Edwards alights upon a café not located in the Lonely Planet guide
Ups and Downs in Venezuela
Stephanie Fleming

I struggle through a crowd of people so thick I can’t see what I’m stepping on, as I drag my suitcases behind me. 
Tea Time in Africa
Casey Hamilton in Mauritania

It had been a long day. It must have been nearing midnight and we sat in the back of a pickup truck with a group of Taiwanese commercial fishermen. The town was quiet and ominous.
Streets of Valletta
Dene Bebbington

Valletta is a cosy, walkable capital city. Located on the Sciberras peninsula, it's just a mile from the city gates to Fort St Elmo overlooking two natural harbours its sandwiched between.
Outaouais Quebec
Habeeb Salloum

If one is visiting Ottawa, Canada’s capital, across the Ottawa River is the Outaouais Region of Quebec. Spend a day amid its green rolling park hills
A Fresh Powder Day in the Japanese Alps
Antonia Shaw

There’s nothing like waking up to the sound of silence…the sound of a fresh snowfall. That’s how I feel as I hurriedly jump out of bed and onto the chairlift taking me up to the top of Happo Mountain.
Wait, You Did What in New Zealand? 
Bobby Bingle

I WWOOFed in New Zealand.  No, I did not huff exotic forest fumes.  I did not participate in an exciting new sensual act.  And I did not howl at inanimate objects, not in New Zealand at least.
How We Met 'Gidget'
David Russell

To celebrate my wife’s umteenth birthday, our family did Sunday Lunch at Duke’s Restaurant in Malibu and there she was, the real Gidget
Jordan Rally on Dead Sea
Marwan Asmar

Watching car racing rallies increases your heartbeats, drives your adrenalin up, and makes you want to fly  

Vox Schizophrenia
James Campion

Okay, I think I get it.
Fourteen months ago a majority of Americans, anywhere from 52 to 58 percent depending on the politically bias nature of the polling, were against government-run health care
... now all is changed.
How I Survived Judgement Day
James Campion
I've been listening to Harold Camping on Family Radio since the early nineties; tooling along Route 84 in the wee hours

French Kiss
Dean Borok

It’s a dream come true for me to have French presidential politics determined in a New York City hotel room on the basis of a blowjob
University Tuition Fees
Lauren Macpherson

How will students benefit from rising fees?
Osama & Out
+ Readers Responses

James Campion

He was a man who forever changed the culture, economies and domestic and foreign policies of the entire Western world
Your Cash down the You Tube
Tina Hsiao

Ever since the first video was uploaded on April 23, 2005, YouTube.com has grown into the world's largest online video portal
Crucial Month For Spain
James Skinner

The main opposition party rant about the whole bloody mess the country is in, starting with the corruption scandals in Andalucía, a socialist fiefdom, that have squandered millions of Euros

Save The Cheers
James Morford

As time goes on there seems to be questions raised about the death of Osama Bin Laden

No Sympathy For The Devil
Dean Borok

Respect misplaced

PhD - An Abstract on the ‘Paranormal Human Disorder’!
Indrani Bhattacharyya

Impossible, this is highly impossible; I threw my hands in despair after going through the 4th DNA sequencing report. It didn’t work this time too!
Shan Refugees in Malaysia (Part1)
Antonio Graceffo

For seven days, they were locked in a container, traveling in the back of a truck, With no idea where they were going, they may just as well have been sold into slavery

Learning Curve
Dean Borok

Sometimes looking for the good in people can turn you into worse of a misanthrope when they fail to live up to their own good qualities. That’s particularly true when you live in New York
Critter’s Control:
My Latest Misadventure
Sean O’Neill

I could not escape; the slimy, hard-shelled, bug-like creature clamped onto my right thigh and would not let go.
Buona Pasqua!
Leah Depue

Before taking the tiny, jam-packed bus from Sorrento to Positano, passengers should consider writing a will before boarding. My four day adventure around the Sorrento area included some of Italy’s most beautiful cities.
What Lies Beneath
Brett Longstaff in Paris

Not knowing really what to expect, I read the inscription upon the stone portal on entry; “Arrete, c’est  ici  l’empire de la mort.”
City-Pick Amsterdam: the city, the guidebook & the footsore tourist
Chris Mills

We took a trip last month to Amsterdam. It was to be a brief taster of all that the city has to offer if one only had a bit more time to spend there.
American in Scotland
Margaret Banker

My senior spring break found me not in some Caribbean Island, or roaming the seas on a cruise-liner, but friend-hopping through the UK, visiting pals pursuing levels of education much beyond my ambition. 
Art of the Giddy Hangover
James Campion
It was like a snap; the kind of ghastly sound a finely tuned athlete hears when it all goes wrong inside.
The real Sword in the Stone
Zara Nelson
A mysterious sword in a stone - but it is not in Camelot, and not even in Britain.

Without Reason
Dean Borok

Banning dogs in New York City
Ngige Re-branded Akunyili
Odimegwu Onwumere

The Confusion of Nigerian elections

‘Safe, secure, and stable, this is how tourists describe Jordan
Marwan Asmar

“We loved being in Jordan. There was no safety concerns while we were here...

REVIEWS Film & Books
Donny's Day Out
Bryan Riek
The walk to work was the only thing Donny truly liked and looked forward to these days. It was the only time he felt he could empty his mind and be by himself
Wintering between Glaciers
Abigail George
For as long as I can remember I have talked to the dead, spirits that have passed on to the hereafter and in that aftertime I housed collections of every kind

Spades and Sofas
Tom Andrews

I never meant to understand that trashy train-wreck watcher with the dirty red hair…that fellow algae-drinking Appalachian good-for-nothing pea farmer named Alphonse
What waits back home
Chris Castle

“Do they know where he is?” Marty asked. He looked around and saw Marie looking far off into the hills
Winchester Writers Conference 2011 - Enroll now and improve your chances of getting published -35 workshops, 60 lectures, 500 one-to-one appointments and 18 writing competitions. 2nd July
On Failure
Michael Hoffman

I am a failure. I am not boasting. I speak seriously and soberly, based on a modicum of self-knowledge painfully acquired.
The Rational Optimist
Nick Lewandowski

The sky is not falling. Climate change will not destroy human civilization. Our fossil fuels will last long enough for us to develop alternatives and contrary to popular opinion the world will be a better, cleaner and safer place a hundred years from now.
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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