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Yamoussoukro: Capital of Ghosts
John M. Edwards
visits a monument to megalomania in West Africa: The Ivory Coast's city of Parisian-style boulevards, empty eight-lane highways, and Christendom's tallest church--all of it dead-ending in jungle
King Herod Exhibition Opens
2.12.13 – The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, premieres the world’s first exhibition on the life and legacy of Herod the Great, one of the most influential – and controversial – figures in ancient Roman and Jewish history.
It’s About Time
Walli F. Leff

As New Year’s Eve approached, my husband and I mulled over how we might celebrate this hedonic fiesta of bidding the time past good-bye and embarking on a fresh supply of new minutes in an excited public countdown in New York.

Lost and Found
Dawn Nicole Parks

Journeying through the Philippines on my first backpacking trip in two years, I discovered a nightmare which every hardcore traveller believes he or she will avoid – awaking drugged and penniless.
The Mauritian Chronicles
John M Edwards

John grabs his beachcomber's card and lands in Mauritius with an impending holiday of Divali coming, replete with partying Brahma Bums and Nowhere Men
A dive bar in Bahrain
Leroy B. Vaughn
My supervisor came to me one day and told me that I would need to go to Bahrain for one day, in order to keep my visa status in Qatar.

Congrats to John M Edwards for winning 2 NATJA awards for Hacktreks Destinations in 2012
Koh Commotion: Mr. Friendly
& Viking Voluntourism: Tall Tales of Tallinn."

Joe Cool Budget - Guns- Immigration- Education Tour 2013
James Campion

President Ignores Congress, Freezes Out Media and Takes It to the Streets

'...although I revel in stupidity, I am bored with it at the moment'
Life (& Death) During Perpetual Wartime
James Campion

The government has the complete autonomy to kill us. This jives with the previous month's story on why the American people must be armed to the teeth to defend themselves against such cold-blooded attacks.
Readers Responses to James Campion on Guns
What are you saying here? We're all at fault? Or none of us are at fault?
Three Deadly Sins in Spain
James Skinner

In February, 2009 the newspaper ‘El Pais’ uncovered a massive network of bribery and corruption that was codenamed ‘The Gürtel Case’ that involved Madrid and Valencia, governed by the conservatives.

Solving America's Problems
Martin Green

There are still a few problems confronting our nation.  Some of these are the federal budget, the federal deficit, airport security, immigration, realty television, vampire movies, Donald Trump, Kim Kardashian and as ever, Lindsey Lohan 

Miami Design District
Eleanor Ross

Exploring the cultural side of a City known for partying
Latin Dancing Across 110th Street
Dean Borok

I have asserted all along that New Yorkers should be compelled to attend charm school, so I decided to take my own advice. The place I chose, the Lorenz Latin Dance Studio, is located in Spanish Harlem
Lionel Darmendrail remembers a favourite Aunt

I come from Euskadi, the land of the Basque, located on the Pyrenees between France and Spain, lapping at the Atlantic ocean, where Maddalen was born
Autumn in August
Tyrel Nelson

I’m fluttering like a streamer attached to a fan. A fan, however, is the last thing I need right now. I grab at the Ranger’s console and crank the heat on high. Hot air fills the Ford, but goose bumps keep popping through my skin.
“A postcard sent from gods”: this is how poet Andrea Zanzotto loved to define Rolle di Cison di Valmarino, a village surrounded by the soft hills of Treviso, in Veneto
24 Hours in Budapest
John M Edwards

Awakening you to head off to a real Budapest Baths, or “gyogyafurdo” (natural springs).
Japanese Houseguest
John M Edwards receives a strange visitor from Japan who is, of course, despite a strong yen, ultimately a castoff and a skinflint
Just Another Love Story
Fisayo Talabi

So it was 14th February once again, and I woke up with this odd feeling that something strange was going to happen.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Oswaldo Jimenez

There’s really no way to prepare for the death of a parent. When it happens, it happens when you least expect it. When it happens, you grieve, but you feel relieved. Guilty, but relieved. Eventually, guilt subsides and the chore of setting things right begins
The Importance of Napkins
Sam Hawksmoor

Scribble , scribble, scribble
I am My Yes
Nate Rabe

It was the middle of the afternoon, the middle of summer and the middle of nowhere.  The train had rolled to a halt some time ago. An iron cobra too exhausted to crawl to shelter
The Seven-Minute Round
George Sparling

I jammed my eyebrows down, balled my fists, and threw some neat jabs at ex-boxer Dickie, my dad, who me taught me to throw punches like a man in the basement of our house.
Oswaldo Jimenez

Imagine this: freshly sliced limes, salt, smoke from cigarettes, perfume. Now, imagine this: bottles, glasses, mirrors, stools, tables.
The Drink
Martin Green

We were at a bar, watching a 49er game.  The 49ers scored a touchdown. Everyone cheered and one of the guys, Hugh Ballard, threw up his arms, then picked up my drink and finished it off.  “Hey,” I said, “that was my drink.”

Author Interview
A Q & A with Sam Hawksmoor on the launch of his new YA novel set in 1941 & 2013. 'The Repercussions of Tomas D'

The River
Daniel Cooke

The boat did not rock. It moved straight, so straight in fact that I became unsure as to whether the boat was harnessed to a pulley system beneath the clear black water.
Requiem for a Hero - Tiresias
Reed Stirling

“Elas, Elas!” yells a workman in black, attempting to lead a donkey with wooden planks tied across its back and panniers on either side full of terracotta bricks.

Southern Comfort Interrupted
James Campion

In Praise of a New Revival of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof starring Scarlett Johannson
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Screenplay Tony Kushner
Marcel D'Agneau review

About a quarter way in in this bio-pic of President Lincoln’s last few weeks of life I kept wishing I was watching John Adams ...
Wreck-it Ralph

Directed by: Rich Moo
Holly Trinder review
So we're entering the digital matrix that is the world inside the arcade. How many of us (us older kids anyway) spent our money senselessly but deservedly at the American style arcades playing the old classics?

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan

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