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Writer's Magazine:

Travel stories
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Travels with Mathias in the Yucatan
Elizabeth Schotten Merklinger

“We were told,” said Mathias, “that this is really the entrance to the underworld.” 

Chennai Express
A city of 4 million, and the Chennai Express, one big road, shared by rusting cycles, three wheelers, vintage bus behemoths, and water buffalo
Bad Dreams in Turtuk
Bad Mike stranded in Turtuk

Sadly no one has ever died of unhappiness. Many have perished in landslides and rock falls. Some may even have perished from eating rancid cabbage.

Bon Bini Curacao
Fred C Wilson 111

Willemstad is divided in two halves by shark infested Santa Anna Bay
The Terrible Wonderful Beautiful Trip - Abbay McCandless
The best trip of my life consisted of a lost credit card, a lack of lodging arrangements and a crumpled twenty-euro note. Twenty euros that is, in a country that uses the pound as its currency.

Super Taint
James Campion

Cheating New England Patriots Befoul Super Bowl Again
Deflate-gate will officially put a stain on the big game and its multi-billion dollar sport.
114th Congress
Welcome to the Jungle
James Campion

And so the right to govern is upon the Republican Party, which has bitched for six years that it was the minority
Little Nicolas and more
James Skinner on Spain

More corruption cases at all levels of public entities continue to surface on practically a daily basis...
Rudderless Britain
Tom Kilcourse

In 2015 we British will be asked to elect a new government... The pre-election bun-fight has begun already
Police Line: Do Not Cross
Dean Borok

A lot of this sloganeering of “Support the Police” can be construed as a declaration of war on Black people.
When Google Met WikiLeaks:
Julian Assange & The Making Of A Live-Long Pattern- Alex Sheremet

openness and transparency are wonderful things, people forget that these ideas cut in the other direction, as well
Thatcher’s Legacy
Tom Kilcourse

The roots our our discontent

Free Speech
Tom Kilcourse

There is enormous irony and not a little hypocrisy to be found in the reaction to the massacre in Paris of the staff of Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine
The Man in the High Castle
Sam Hawksmoor

One of Philip K Dick's most fully realised works is now on Amazon TV
Where are we now…?
K E Sidwell

You’ve finished your degree ... Can you now honestly define in a nutshell what excites you - “the career path you want to take”?
Besame Mucho
Dean Borok

Dancers are the ultimate snobs. She may work in an office all day, but on the dancefloor she is a star...
Nigeria still at 54
The bad-luck of having Leaders that cannot lead - Adewale T Akande

A set of leaders are now tearing apart what is supposed to be the giant of Africa
After the Surgery
Martin Green
It was my first day home after knee replacement surgery... it still was, as my doctor reminded me, major surgery.
Je Suis Charlie
A Call For Satirical Jihad
James Campion

REVIEWS Film & Books
Sylvia Plath
Abigail George

The waves breaking against the shoreline. I am lying on my back. It is a pleasant day. All I see is blue. Blue passing me. Not a cloud in the sky. Not a silver lining.
Eponine in Paris
Excerpt From “The Third Eye of the Needle”- Novella by Dean Borok

Parisians went to church and prayed for a return to the old ways, but in their hearts they knew that these conditions did not just spring up from nowhere.

BEST OF 2014
The Honest Politician
Jude C Perera

Banu winced, embarrassment could also cause tangible pain, he knew now. His young protégé was digging her grave quite busily and excitedly. She had obviously taken his advice from one ear and had spat it out from the other
Hide Your Books
Ajay Patri

Does this really mean no more punishment? Like, ever again?

Download Magenta
Life begins somewhere between the fish and the stars

BEST OF 2014
No Chemical Toxins

Danae Phelps
is going to wash that man right out of her mouth
As I washed my teeth, I imagined all the tiny bits of others I was scrubbing away with the frothy tooth-paste. How much of them would my bristles collect and wash away

Red Queen
Red Queen
by Victoria Aveyard
Orion Paperback Feb 2015
Sam Hawksmoor review
Cinderella re-invented for the 21st Century
The Doubt Factory
by Paulo Bacigalupi

Sam Hawksmoor review
a modern take on the Patti Hearst story with a really hard message about the drugs you swallow
The Days Of Wine And Roses
Dan Schneider review

October 2nd, 1958 Playhouse 90 episode scripted by J.P. Miller, and directed by John Frankenheimer from Criterion...

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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