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a hero
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Englands' greatest traitor
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Sara Troy

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Writer's Magazine:
Travel stories
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How we live
Beautiful Burundi: A Country Less Travelled - Fergus Simpson
After over a decade of civil war and ethnic strife, Burundi is starting to receive a gentle stream of more open-minded travellers
Serene Destinations in Australia
Stacy Eva

Australia is a standout amongst the most lovely nations on the planet and is likewise hailed a significant destination.
Hack, Slit, Squeal: Immunity in Georgetown, Chennai
Colin Todhunter

Hack, slit, slice. Butchery in Georgetown. Peeled, pink goat carcases in fly-ridden, one-room shops

Sturgeon Landing in Indian Country
Fred C. Wilson III

I volunteered to join our parish’s Legion of Mary for our annual mission trip abroad. For a month I was to minister to the Cree Indians

Final Observations - One Week Out - James Campion
A Caffeinated Political Notebook
If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.- Mark Twain
Rob Astorino Unplugged 1 & 2
James Campion

A Candid Discussion with the Republican Candidate for Governor of New York
Catalonia’s defiance

James Skinner

Today’s new generations, definitely believe that they are not part of Spain and should therefore be given the freedom to choose their future
The Gates of Hell
Dean Borok

Ferguson MO is the story that Tom Wolfe wishes he could have written for “The Bonfire of the Vanities”

Spitting Into the Wind
Tom Kilcourse

There are a number of indications around that we are coming to the end of three decades of self-delusion and economic lunacy...
Julius Nyerere’s Ujamaa as a liberating political philosophy
Ronald Elly Wanda

The story of Africa in the last century is one characterized by action and response.
Too Little Too Late?
Tom Kilcourse

Immigration suddenly a problem...
The Rules of Engagement
Jude. C. Perera

I was a casualty of war, there is no better way of putting it. It’s a war that was both sinister and stealthy and famously lacking in any decency and chivalry
By George!
Tom Kilcourse

George Osborne on institutions being anti-business.

REVIEWS Film & Books
The night I needed nobody
is the night I met you
John Traynor

I’m a twenty four year old alcoholic. And like all cute hoors for the craic, I live above a pub and nightclub...
The Test
- extract from 'The Heaviness' by Sam Hawksmoor
Whatever you do - don't get on the bus...!
Wash Away My Sins

Abigail George

We never did get around to building the swimming pool in our backyard that my wife and I often spoke about. We said it would be for the children. Instead the swimming pool could never be built

by Tom Grass
Orion Books - October 2014
Sam Hawksmoor review

It was only going to be a matter of time before they snatched Charles Dickens from the dead and applied the jump leads...
Ten Tiny Love Stories
Dan Schneider review

a film that should be seen, and in its best scenarios, embraced,
The Ghosts of Heaven
by Marcus Sedgwick

Indigo Pub: October 2014 (UK)
Sam Hawksmoor review
... fascinating, tragic, and utterly compelling.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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