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The International
Writer's Magazine:
February 2015
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
A search for a piano in Beijing
Adam DiFrisco

It was my last night in Beijing after being in the city for a month...
Ten Masterpieces in Florence
Emily Mead

Florence is one of the most remarkable cities in the world. Here are a few must-see works of art and architecture...
Fred C. Wilson III

The Gambling industry depends solely upon the continued prosperity of other Asian economies

The Shortest Distance
Jans Schaper

By the time I get to Kyrgyzstan I have been hitchhiking for several months.
Royal Park
The Art of Bliss
Jude C Perera

It is a beautiful concept, or is it just a myth? Happiness. I am not too sure sometimes. But I enjoy meditating on its infinite potential.

The Scourge of Brian Williams...
James Campion

It is important to reiterate an obvious dictum: What is done here weekly hardly represents even the slightest hint of journalism. Yet, somehow I consider myself a journalist.
The Anthropology of The Middle Class - James Campion
A Disjointed Primer from the Front

Here’s the deal: There are too many humans on this planet. Way too many.
Economic Turnaround in Spain
James Skinner

Last year’s macro-economic results show Spain's economy rose 1.4% last year. Unemployment figures have decreased - consumers are spending...
Rape Culture & Reponses to Adaptation
Phillip Sutcliffe-Mott

Rape culture comes for the most part from conservative ignorance and mass complacency.
Democratic Compromise
Tom Kilcourse

Democratic society is a collaborative institution in which each is enabled to express individuality by surrendering to mutually agreed constraints.

Joanna North
In Memory of Joanna North
'No one is 'just' a mother - I am all I have accomplished'.
When up is down, Perceptions in Linguistics - Antonio Graceffo
On a map 'up' is something we have all accepted that up is North. There is no reason for that. We just all agreed on it.
Red stuff
The dangers of red objects
Jodie Corney

I prowled the railway station platform, listening to the same song over and over, my life caught in a stutter. I wore a faux fur coat even though it was a very warm late spring day.
Lake Reflections
Tyrel Nelson

I exit the hardware store with new work gloves in hand. I immediately slip them over my numbing fingers. The wind of the gloomy February afternoon picks up as I hustle to my pickup

REVIEWS Film & Books

Ready For Action
Dave Metz

I was between jobs living in the woods outside town off Forest Creek Road. My wife had kicked me out. She said my dogs were too much and I needed to get my own place...
Martin Green

Steve Carson didn’t look like a horrible boss.  He was a tall, good-looking man in his early fifties, just beginning to show his age despite a rigorous exercise regimen.
Emperor Wolf
Abigail George

In the beginning, there was Emperor Wolf, Genesis, the family Golden. A voice in the first person. I, Tracy Golden crouched with the burden of the holidays and Christmas in my hands
Local Color: A Ride on the No. 2 Bus
James C. Clar

The No. 2 bus traverses a portion of the island of Oahu that is as diverse as that route’s eclectic ridership.
The Cage
Oswaldo Jimenez

One bite. That’s all she thought she needed to satisfy her hunger. No more than that...
Koffee Kulture
Leigh Pierce

"Welcome to Karma Koffee, home of the $450 dollar coffee, how can I help you?"
How To Disappear Completely
Mark Robinson
'You have reached the 'How to Disappear Completely' automated helpline; you will shortly hear a list of options; please consider these carefully.'

Another Place To Die
Another Place To Die: Endtime -
Hawksmoor & North
She lay back down in the water, laughing hysterically. It was all so stupidly ironic. They’d fled the city only to perish in the one place in the world where no one could possibly help them. She wondered how long it would take for her to die?
Nada Holland
I have a baby sister. It’s her I had hoped to hear from, this Sunday, Valentine’s Day. Her, I’d hoped to speak to on the phone.
Tomas D * This Month
Read the Kindle version of 'The Repercussions of Tomas D' -

more about Tomas D here
'Brings WW2 Blitz to life as never before'

Mise En Dread
James Campion

In Praise of 'Cabaret' - wonderfully conflated hyper-sense of mystery and dread.
What Lies in the Dark
by CM Thompson
Sam Hawksmoor review

A stylish debut crime novel written with supreme confidence as the tension rises with each new horrific murder.
A Modern Masterpiece: The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford -
Mike Peters review

The Kingsman
The Kingsman: The Secret Service
Directed by Mathew Vaughn

Like a throwback to the days of Roger Moore as James Bond, The Kingsman is a very violent entertaining diversion...
Killing Patton
By Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard
The Strange Death of World War 11’s Most Audacious General.
Leroy Vaughn review
The Magician's Land
by Lev Grossman
Sam North review

Satisfying and spirited conclusion to the Magician's trilogy

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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