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Another Place To Die
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How we live
Reclaiming the Land of the Kawarthas
Habeeb Salloum & Muna Salloum

The region of Peterborough and the Kawarthas is a Canadian tourist destination par excellence.
Twin Oaks - A Utopian Community
Fred C Wilson 111

It was my inaugural drive in '67; my first time behind the wheel. And there was a horrific hurricane brewing out east.
Germany's Other Forest
David McVey

In the Saar-Hunsruck you can find peace, quiet beauty and the sense that few other English speakers have bothered to seek it out.
Rediscovering Jewish Sicily
Irene Shaland
with Bianca Del Bello
The Semitic people were the first group to colonize Sicily and establish a city-port they called Zis
Mount LeConte: Legendary Mountain in the Smokies
Jeff Doran
If ever there was a classic hike in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, the Alum Cave Trail to Mount LeConte would certainly qualify.

Iran Deal
The Iran Deal & the Secret War on ISIS

James Campion

Let me be the first journalist or pundit or columnist or politician or radio host or prime minister to admit I have not read the entire Iran Deal.
Europe and Greece
Tom Kilcourse

Democracy under threat in humiliated Greece? If the European heads, particularly the Germans, feel in any way triumphant, I suggest that they reflect ....
Al Andalus
James Skinner

Spain is vulnerable in ISIS Geo-Political Aim. All you have to do is take a look at the geographical snapshot of the North of Africa and the ‘view from above’ is more than frightening
UBER versus NYC
James Campion

This was bound to happen here. It has happened elsewhere. The grassroots ingenuity of transport services, more specifically Uber and to a lesser extent Lyft, offer a convenient alternative to mass transit and traditional cab services.

Red Rice
The Body Experiment

James Campion

I found a way to cut cholesterol numbers in half in 40 days - so can you.
A Tourist in my own Town
Justin Dupée

My Fantastic Voyage through the Streets of Hip Hop’s Past - As I hook a left onto Anaheim Blvd I try and imagine how different the street might have been twenty-five or so years prior.
Paris Blues
Dean Borok

When I was a kid in Chicago, a place like France wasn't on the map at all...
Schilthorn Switzerland
The Non-Skier’s Guide to Enjoying the Swiss Alps - Irene Shaland
The majestic Alps with all their infinite beauty and sublimity were often on my mind as an ultimate destination place.
Hemlock for Everyone - The Drinks are on Me • Dean Borok
One of the hardest things in life is to face up to your own deficiencies. In this I have been lucky to know so many people willing to point them out to me.

REVIEWS Film & Books
On Not Leaving Home
Abigail George

They look at you as if to say. You are not beautiful. You are not pretty. It is a pity. Shame. At least you are good for a laugh.
Broken Heart
Lost Love

Martin Green

June 15, was the day when I had my heart broken. The girl who did the breaking was Isobel Carter, whom I’d gone with all through high school.
Download: Another Place To Die:
The Endtime Chronicles

I was drawn into the story immediately and couldn't put it down. The characters are still with me. Excellent book'
Amazon UK - Print & Kindle

The Pick

Peter A. Wright

It’s not how fast you run—it’s how you outwit your victim. You have to pick the right one.
Marikka Marikka
New from Sam Hawksmoor.
Based on a tragic real life event, Marikka flees from an arson attack on her home to the sea, where she meets Starfish boy – a runaway working for Jackson, a sinister scarred man hiding from the world
... print + kindle

The Writer’s Guide To Weapons

By Benjamin Sobieck
A Practical Reference for Using Firearms and Knives in Fiction -
Foreword by David Morrell
Review by Leroy B. Vaughn

a fact filled book designed to help writers of crime fiction select the proper weapon for their character

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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