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Wyoming - The Big Empty
Fred C. Wilson III

It was my first bus trip out West. I’ve always wanted to see the majestic
Rocky Mountains close up. Now I would traverse through them, sitting on that Greyhound bus looking out the window
Earworms in Bohemia
Jane Anderson

What is it about Smetana? As we walked across Charles Bridge, having been in Prague less than an hour, I realised that I had developed an earworm.
Three continents -Twenty countries
Rebecca Lowe's
Bicycle Blog to the Middle East Latest Update:
Slovenia - Wine Country
Remembering Hotels, Good and Bad
Walli F. Leff
Once I had an exceptional experience in a hotel: I slept on an absolutely perfect mattress. I know that you expect me to tell you where that mattress was. I would if I could, I just can’t remember.

Apres Paris Le Deluge
James Campion

The tragedy in Paris last Friday 13th was horrifying; one might say, terrifying, which is the whole point of terrorism
The Revolution is Televised
James Campion

Conflict In The Republican Party Fuels Presidential Campaigns
Syria - A Big Mistake
James Campion

This latest move by the Obama Administration to “change strategies” in Syria is a big mistake...
Shootout at OK Corral
Dean Borok

Anybody who takes the intellectual approach to American presidential politics is a non-starter. The elephants' graveyard is littered with the bones of serious policy thinkers
Spain on the Edge
James Skinner

What will stop the break-up of Spain?
Fighting Corruption in Catalonia.
Yemenis Attempt Peace Talks Geneva - Marwan Asmar 
Yemenis have to put their heads together once and for all and re-establish a state away from violence, confrontation and war.

Defacing the Syrian Stigma

John Lambert

These refugees have not set out to change American culture or the American way of life.
The world is big – Go explore it. Steve Sherk
Go Explore designs is the name of the store created which showcases photography from all over the world. It’s allowed a unique way to blend fashion and art together...
American Hegemony
Tom Kilcourse

Corporate America has ruled the economic roost, spreading influence through globalisation...yet American corporatism is devoid of any national allegiance.
Andriy Rozumovskyi musical festival competition of young performers - Kateryna Dzekun
This good tradition started in 2012 in Baturyn Palace when we celebrated the 260th birthday anniversary of Andriy Rozumovskyi
The Ram’s Head Inn Shelter Island
Rent a Great Getaway Weekend for you all your friends this winter

REVIEWS Film & Books

Water Never Forgets

Abigail George

That September I poisoned my body with food and my moods but understand this. It was my road, my map, my difficult choice, my path to experience, my journey...
Mom, Me, and Boyfriends
Sarah Fils-Aime

I never once woke to the sound of my mother sneaking in with a stranger, heels in her hand. I was not reared in a house where a new man would shuffle out while I ate my cereal. But my mother has had many boyfriends...

Martin Green

Arnold was walking through his old neighborhood in the Bronx.  Back in his parents’ apartment it was frantic, his mother scurrying around, food being placed on tables; it was as if the President was coming for a visit... 
Marikka - Life begins somewhere between the fish and the stars...
Chapter One: A Dog’s Dinner
Marikka woke suddenly.  It was a warm night, the air unusually thick and cloying.  The house was eerily quiet...
Ultra Core
Julie McSmith

She felt confident that next month she would be ready for her first 50-mile ultra marathon. Could she win?

Wastelands 2:
More stories of The Apocalypse
Edited by John J Adams
Brilliant, bleak, often witty collection of doom to prepare you for the worst...
The Promises of Dr Sigmundus:
The Hollow People by Brian Keaney
Sam Hawksmoor review

If you haven’t met Dante, the poor downtrodden kitchen boy working in a mental institution akin to the terrifying Shutter Island, you are missing something important from your library

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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