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Travel stories
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Returning to Iran During Tumultuous Times 9.1.23
David Devine

It is still possible to visit as a tourist
Tropical Depression
James C Clar
Something else that attracts me to Waikiki is the fact that it’s still the haunt of all sorts of engaging and exotic characters, many of whom are willing to pour out their life’s story at the slightest provocation.

Speaker On The Brink
James Campion
The Sad Tale of Kevin McCarthy Continues:
'They just want to burn the whole place down.'

Let's Talk Education
James Campion
we absolutely CANNOT leave education up to a mob of people who can’t agree on proper diet for their kids, or sleep time, or what content their offspring can consume.

Ukraine Wheat
The Arab World and the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Dr Marwan Asmar
Why the Arab world appears to be supporting Putin


Woody Allen
What's Happened to Woody Allen
is bullshit

James Campion
Time to give Woody a chance as he releases his fiftieth movie 'Coup de Grace'.
Conspiracy Theory - The Incredible Story of Krebiozen
Thomas N. Hackney
Almost from the outset of cancer curing Krebiozen's introduction in the United States, the American Medical Association (AMA) denounced it and everyone associated with it.
Sessions with Sigmund
James Morford
It was to Freud’s Vienna home/office that in October of l934, a 28 year-old American psychiatrist, Dr Joseph Wortis, came to begin a 4 month "didactic psychoanalysis" (teaching analysis) with the 77 year-old Freud.

Secret Door
Freya Scott
I used to drag all my little school friends upstairs before tea and hide in the airing cupboard.
Red Eye
John M Edwards
Back in the days when I ate TV dinners in a partially flooded basement, watching, “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea” and “Land of the Giants,” ...

REVIEWS Film & Books
Seeking Happiness
Maria Dastolfo
It wasn’t like someone drawing the words on your back with a finger while you tried to spell it out in your head. I was definitely trying to spell out the words in my head, "Seek Happiness"
The San Juan Bagels Parking Lot
Dean Borok
La Creta dwelt in perpetual fear of the parking lot, separated from the factory by the Taliban shish-kebab garage where resided the The Forty Thieves of the spicy halal chicken and rice wagons
A Story about Jack
James Nantau
There was a man who’s first name starts with J but it was not Jack and he did not live in New York. A lot of people live in New York City but he was not one of them.
Uncle Pringle and the Bully
Martin Green

It had been a pleasant afternoon, up to that point. 

City of Lost Chances
City of Lost Chances
by Adrian Tchaikovsky

Sam Hawksmoor review 9.14.23
An ambitious fantasy novel with a vast cast of characters
J&K 4Ever by Sam Hawksmoor
A powerful young love story set in the badlands of a ruined civilization.
On Being a Screenwriter
Allan Gibson
Time to cash a reality cheque.

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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