The International Writers Magazine:
James Skinner
a better phrase for the present international scenario: Divide
and conquer! Never has the world, at least the civilized and
democratic one, been faced recently with the vicious planning and
implementation of a campaign based on Napoleons famous statement.
This is exactly what Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda punk rock band have
been carrying out over the past few years, and we in the West, I
hate to repeat myself, never even realised it. Lets look at
the facts to date.
The first real smack
at us came on September 11th 2001 when, as we all know four commercial
aircraft were hijacked in the US and plunged, all but one of them, into
symbolic buildings in Washington and New York destroying and killing
thousands of innocent people. What happened after that?. Apart from
the obvious world condemnation, the allies went after the
Taliban in Afghanistan and in a certain way carried out a fairly good
job at cleaning up some of Al Qaedas base of thugs. But then the
real trouble started. Angry Uncle Sam was now vulnerable to anything
and the fundamentalist terrorist management began their plan, as I said
before to divide and conquer! They planted the seeds of
suspicion of a link to them on one of the USs most
wanted men, Sadam Hussein, knowing full well that the Bush administration
would take the bait whilst the rest of the world would scratch its head.
Not only that, through their own spy network they spread the rumour
that Sadam had millions of weapons of mass destruction that could destroy
the world knowing full well that the Pentagon, the CIA and the FBI would
love the story. Not everyone was convinced though and this is where
the thugs were clever in applying their dividing strategy.
The 7th cavalry with some other thirty or so armies, went charging into
Iraq and within weeks kicked out the regime. The United Nations had
dithered whilst France and Germany condemned the US action. They had
opposed the invasion in the first place. But the men in black
masks had achieved their objective. The West was now divided.
Next step was to allow the so-called US led coalition to
try to establish a democratic style government in Baghdad that would
allow for the reconstruction of the country. This was to be followed
by free elections of the people for their own leaders. Ah! But Osama
had other plans. He began, slowly to infiltrate his so-called cells,
at first to throw a few suicide bombs around the place. The plan was
to create some havoc allowing the new occupiers to think
that there were still pockets of the old regime around ready to upset
the good intentions of the allies. First big mistake. The real reason
was to use Iraq as a number one platform to stage a worldwide terror
campaign. Iraq became a sort of Al Qaeda HQ. Spain was next on the list.
This southern European tourist paradise had been suffering from Basque
separatist terror in the name of a group called ETA for many years.
Al Qaeda had been studying the terrorists infrastructure, methods
as well as their weaponry and had slowly devised an attack plan of their
own to mirror image that of the Spanish freedom fighters.
On the 11th of March 2004 they blew up three trains entering Madrid
Atocha railway station, days away from the forthcoming Spanish general
elections. Extremely clever as once again they proved their ability
to divide and conquer. The Spanish government through the
Spanish intelligence sources immediately condemned the atrocities and
blamed it on ETA. Big mistake! The socialist opposition had been dead
against Spains participation in Iraq in the first place. Once
the cat was out of the bag that the attempt was an Al Qaeda one and
not ETA they took advantage of the situation and blamed the government
as incompetent. They also won the elections and withdrew their troops
from Iraq. An Al Qaeda victory. Osama reverted back to his war zone,
The odd killing of US soldiers and blowing up of oil pipelines had completely
split the West into the for and against camps
over the situation in Iraq and was becoming a rather boring routine.
Al Qaeda decided to switch tactics. They started a new plan that involved
kidnapping. Now that France, Germany and Spain were fully against the
USA and the coalitions involvement in Iraq, the men in black
masks began to take the odd hostage from low level countries and
far away places such as the Philippines and Nepal slitting the odd throat
here or there of a truck driver or aid worker just to cause a rumpus.
And a rumpus was caused! Millions of up until now uninvolved communities
began to scream blue murder at their governments and leaders. Once again
blaming the USA and all their allies for the problems. In the meantime
one has to remember that the politicians, that is the western governments
were not the only ones divided on this whole issue in Iraq. The worlds
media, composed of television, newspapers and above all those pumping
stuff on the Internet were completely and utterly divided on who was
killing whom and why. Just for kicks they also took a couple of French
journalists as hostages and look at how Chirac reacted! Osama Bin Laden
and his entire Al Qaeda network are actually winning this so called
war on terrorism. Believe me its true. It was now
Russias turn.
This country, like Spain, had its own fair share of nationalistic
terrorism in the separatist region of Chechnya. Bombings and killings
had been the order of the day for years. Once again, the Bin Laden mob
began studying the tactics. Suicide bombing was slowly introduced. In
2002 a horrendous attack on a theatre in Moscow took place with massive
assassination. The world was horrified but again divided, with criticisms
for and against at how president Putin and his army handled the situation.
we have the latest incredible attack in a small Russian town Beslan
on a school full of children. Utter convulsive madness. But once
again, the magnitude of the terrorist attempt is where the clue
to the involvement, or better said the control of international
terrorism by Al Qaeda is hidden. 32 hostage takers had been found,
Chechen, Ingush, Kazakh, Arabic and Slav. Over 1000 people taken
hostage in School No 1 by these terrorists and nearly 400 dead,
more half of them children. 180 still unaccounted for as 06.09.04.
Many believe that
the ongoing crisis in Iraq is a sort of mixed bag of uprisings by different
factions fighting for power with a common cause to oust the invading
forces of infidels. Others believe that Chechnya is seeking its independence
and upping its atrocities. Spaniards still blame their ousted conservative
government for the killings in Madrid. Everyone blames George Bush and
the USA for the overall problem. Weve all been hood winked! Were
all wrong.
This whole new WWIII has been planned from the beginning and for the
past twenty or so years. The Al Qaeda group, similar to the Nazis
in the nineteen thirties took a chaotic world situation, studied it
carefully and pulled together a sophisticated and well designed plan
to screw the hell out of all of us. Trouble is that only now are we
really beginning to realise it. As one of the Iraqi ministers said a
while back, if the whole of the civilised world does not pull
together and unite as one big force against this evil, we are all doomed!
© James Skinner. September 6th 2004.
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