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Order The Repossession
Joint winner of 'The Wirral'

'Smart, dark and graceful,
sends chills down your

Evie Seo - Bookish Blog

Read the sequel:

The Hunting out now

PLV Radio Live On-Air
Positive Living Radio
Sara Troy

The International Writer's Magazine: December 2013

Seasons Greetings all our Contributors and Readers
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
A stroll along Walltax Road
Colin Todhunte
Many a long and tiring journey begins or ends in this huge, cavernous hall. Trains to and from Jaipur, Delhi, Kolkatta, Mumbai;
Nightlife in Harar
Justin Dupee

Jesse and I had read that at night wild hyenas come down from the hills and roam within the walled confines of the city
Freeloading in Finlandia
John M. Edwards

Falling for Finland—a fantasia of lakes, fens, and reindeer—which may conceal an ancient myth more secret than Santa, and more dire than the Da Vinci Code
Palawan Islands - Eden Revisited
Fred C. Wilson III

Our plane was the jewel of the Asian Spirit line. The short flight from Manila to Palawan took little over an hour. We landed on a grassy field just outside Coron, Buswanga Island
Tenerife- the largest Canary Island
Aleksandar Mijailovic

Tenerife is one of the worlds twenty most visited destinations
Come to Winnipeg Folk Fest 2014
Lizzie Clarke

Artists and bands come from all over the world to perform on eight stages

Keith Richards at 70
James Campion

It is hard to explain to those who are unfamiliar with the life and exploits of Keith Richards to marvel this week that the man is still breathing
Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

James Campion

Mandela was about freedom
New Faces in Spain

James Skinner

Enter Ms. Susana Diaz Pacheco. She has vowed to clean up the mess and re-unite a fractured party + update

Santo Che
Dean Borok

The monolithic ascendance of the left developing in Latin America is almost entirely the result of the rise of internet populism

The Last Impression
J S Wright

What will people think of you after you've gone?
All the Tea in China
Tom Clifford

Our small bus had been buffeted by nature’s wrath, exposed on Guizhou’s mountain passes and only the skill of our driver kept us this side of paradise.

The Art of Preparation
Diane Malk

Like a fireman summoned to the scene, I raced across town to my friends’ house in response to a panicky phone call.  
1913 Electric Cars Ruled the road
Is their time coming again?
OBX: A Family Paradise
Mathew MacCormack
in North Carolina
a popular destination for fishermen and families alike
Mackinac Island
Briana Newcomb

Big blue eyes, short small body, I stood at the dock of the ferry as everyone unloaded. I looked at the beauty I was about to enter.
Travel for Artist’s Sake
Elisa Korenne
Art of Moving to New Places 
Six years ago, I had the great pleasure and challenge of moving from New York City - to New York Mills, Minnesota, a hamlet of 1152 people in rural Minnesota
Thailand Holidays: The Best Areas
Alice Jerusa

If you’re looking for a holiday like you’ve never had before, then you should definitely consider Thailand.
Mad About Mad Magazine
John M. Edwards

John M. Edwards tries to get a job at his favorite magazine: MAD.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Repercussions Perfect Holiday Read on Kindle
or for a gift order the
paperback now from Amazon
The Re-Union
Michelle D'costa

I had always been a quiet companion. One who neither comments, protests nor compliments.  A silent observer. My friends never minded that. In fact they craved to be like me.
Parakeets or Parents?
Michelle D'costa

After pestering Daddy for a very long time we got a pair of Parakeets and put them into a small blue fluorescent cage
Independence Day
Martin Green

“Can I ask a friend from college over to the barbeque tonight?” asked Estelle.
“What’s her name?” asked her father.
“Richard."  She smiled, watching the family's response.
Oswaldo Jimenez

It was early Sunday morning, we were going hunting again. Father and I were cruising down a road in his 1959 Buick Super, the one with the white-wall tires and black leather interior, which always looked too shiny, too fast.
Samaritan - Making Things Right
Sam North

Christmas is two days away and it’s cold. Yuletide fatigue has already set in and those who are left in the city wonder why the hell they didn’t book to go to Florida this year
Do Cars Have Teeth?
Kersie Khambatta

Where is the salesman? He asked us to wait here two hours ago...
The Correctors
George Sparling

My mother ran away, thinking leaving would protect me. She couldn’t bear sleeping in the same bed with an ice pick man and chattering in her sleep about my ambition.
Instant Love
Rachel Cross
Maybe I just was looking for some excitement...

The One Safe Place by Tania Unsworth
Orion Children’s Books 2nd Jan 2014
Sam Hawksmoor review

Tania Unsworth has conjured up a curious mix of dystopian future and Billy Bunter at Greyfriars that is quite disturbing.
Sunset Boulevard
Dan Schneider DVD review

Sunset Boulevard is a grand entertainment, if a bit light on enlightenment.
Catching Fire:
Hunger Games - Part Two

Katniss has become an icon of hope
Peter O'Toole 1932-2013
Sam Hawksmoor

The Great Survivor

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum
- Augustus de Morgan
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