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The Writer's Guild
UK Writer's site
James Campion
Mr Reality Check

Diamonds - The Rush of '72 By Sam North
Buy now direct from
'a terrific piece of storytelling' Historical Novel Society Review
UK regional news

All opinions expressed herein are wholly reflective of the writers and contributors to hackwriters. All work is copyright of the writers and

Hackwriters is a non-profit journal but welcomes contributions from writers and artists and photographers. We reserve the right to publish and edit material in accordance with our editorial policy.

The International Writer's Magazine - February 2005 - Welcome

Hackwriters '05

India Possessed
Colin Todhunter
When the Saints
B Lafe Metz in a Guatemalan Graveyard
Confronting Deepest Fears
Jenna Orkin against B.C. Bears

Dr Buitrago and Ruben Dario
Saving Chinandega
Dragons and Rum
Roger Smith in Nicaragua
Catalina Island
Paul D Roberts

Everything you wanted to know about steroids but were afraid to ask -
James Campion

We Are Family
Rev Antonio Hernandez
Making Choices
Michelle Cochrane

Is Paris safe for women?
Elizabeth Haggarty says no

The Perils of Comfort
Eric D Lehman on the joy of inconvenience

Exploring an Inner World
Anushka Rao goes to Japan

Hunter S Thompson
Goodbye Gonzo
A Close Call
Lionel Darmendrail survives a passion attack

Crisis Management
James Skinner
Man Overboard
James Skinner - Diary 3
Diplomatic Diary 4
James Skinner on ID theft

To The Barricades
Rev Antonio Hernandez

When Love Ain't Enough
Michelle Cochrane on heartbreak
Understanding Bill
Alan Stokes - on the edge
Life With the Bradstones
Antonio Hernandez- robots have lives too...
The Great Beyond
Chapter Eleven
Brodie Parker's serialised novel about life after death is here
Stone Cold in the staffroom
Alan Stokes
Timothy P Waldron - a story about identity
Vodka, Wine, Milk
Mary Wilson - nothing left to say
The Real Heroes of the Pacific
Judy Radano on Holiday Street

A Michael Jackson Reality Check
- James Campion

Schoolday Pranks
Michael Levy

In Bush We Trust
James Campion

State of Independence
James Campion's guide to fair tax reparations

Coping with a Hostile Planet
Michael Levy
Kiss Me Kate by Cole Porter Creative Arts Production 05
Dir- Cristopher Smith
Alex Hillman review

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Suanna Clarke's amazing book about 17th century magicians
Eleanor Rigby
by Douglas Coupland
A Very Long Engagement
Dir Jean Pierre Jeunot

Dir Alexander Payne

Can Woody Allen still cut it?
Robert Cottingham
Life of Pi by Yann Martell
Dan Schneirder review
House of Sand and Fog
Dan Schneider

The Lost Skelton of Cadavra
Dan Schnieder review
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Jeff Hunt

Refrain from a monster

The boy, the boy stole my book. Poor forgotten monster, poor veteran.

Diamonds - The Rush of '72
Sam North
Suddenly anxious, he patted the coat pocket closest to his heart and was reassured to find a large hard lump still situated there. They’d not been robbed...yet.

A Celestial Awkening
Victoria Mackenzie
I didn’t know why I was surprised everyday that I had overslept, but today was an important day.

Malibu Eyes
Janice Slater

Mickey's a cool dude

Explore new books in progress
Goodbye Gonzo: Hunter S Thompson is no more.

Missed 2004? Every issue here


48 Hour Quick Flick Contest
Kryshan wins Feb 2005
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and
little fleas have lesser fleas infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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