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a hero
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Writer's Magazine:
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Majuli: The Assamese Wonder Explored - Sean Lee
As a passionate traveler willing to explore the least charted corners of the world, you could head for Assam’s Majuli (India) this year
After Hours at the Colosseum
Samantha Connors

Silent and reflective, we stood there. Solitary figures against a glorious backdrop of antiquity—like lonesome time travelers.
Blue Mosque
Best Places to Visit in Turkey
Nicola Williams

Turkey offers diverse tourist attractions including the ancient ruins of Ephesus and the luxurious beach resorts along Aegean Sea.
Tagaytay - Paradise Found
Fred C. Wilson III 

Philippine resort city of Tagaytay is as close as you can get to paradise...

The Devil Made Me Do It
Dean Borok

Bill Cosby is now revealed to be incapable of doing what he has insistently been advising the younger generation to do – pull your pants up.
Mike Nichols 1931–2014
James Campion on The Graduate

I hate endings. Never liked them; in books, films, sometimes songs (especially fades – what the hell is that?), whatever ...
Spain's Watergate
James Skinner

Corruption in Spain has taken on a new dimension that could threaten the government + Catalonia Result
Dear Dave
Tom Kilcourse

Dave asks me to trust his government with the economy and not to threaten the remarkable economic progress being made. I feel obliged to reply.
Video Kingdom
Dean Borok

We’re living in Video Kingdom, with drones flying over volcanos and speed demons racing motorcycles down bobsled tracks wearing a helmet camera

Sri Lanka Cookies
Requiem for a Sri Lankan Christmas

Jude C Perera

For the past two decades, maybe more, I have been haunted by the ghost of Christmas past.
Tom Kilcourse

Over forty years ago Milton Friedman declared that corporations have no social responsibility...
Berlin, The Old And The New
Norman Wolfer

The Berlin of 2014 is a mixture of the unchanged and the ever-changing.

10 Reasons to Participate in Cultural Festivals
Alina Jersey
Cultural Festivals are meant to celebrate the heritage and culture of the hosts.
An old fashioned Hero
Leroy B. Vaughn

I’m sure by now that readers are aware of the lone wolf terrorist that attacked the Canadian Parliament on 10.22.14

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Imagined Journal Entries of Sylvia Plath
Abigail George

The page frees me in a sense, in a way I can’t describe. I write and that’s my life.
The Curse of the Nibelung
Sherlock Holmes vs Germany

Winston put down his whisky and breathed a sigh of relief. With Holmes back in the picture, England might yet be saved.
The Boy Who Never Had a Bad Day
David Tavernier
There was once a boy who looked in the mirror, and all he saw were pimples. He thought he was the ugliest boy on earth
White Oleander
Alun Williams

We decided to run away after Betty’s parents found out she was pregnant.
The Mystery of the Missing Mother
Mary Colvin
No one could quite pinpoint exactly when Mother vanished although they spent some time trying to figure it out.

Another Place TO Die
Another Place To Die: The Endtime Chronicles
(Vol 2)

Marcel D’Agneau interviews Hawksmoor & North

A New Edition of this classic pandemic novel is out. It has undergone a radical rethink and rewrite...Magenta
On Writing a Novel
Sam North on Magenta

What happens if a story changes direction?
Uncle Pringle and the Bully
Martin Green

He’s a sixth-grader and a bully.  He makes the smaller kids give him their lunch money

The Hunger Games:
Mockingjay - Part One

starring Jennifer Lawrence
Directed by Francis Lawrence

Sam North review

Dark, oppressive, moody – Mockingjay Part One reflects our times in more ways than one.
Walled City
The Walled City by Ryan Graudin
Published November 2014
Sam Hawksmoo
r review
A brilliant debut. Ryan Graudin explodes on the scene with a fast paced gritty thriller set in the decaying seething walled city of Kowloon, days before it was raised to the ground.
Twenty-Four Eyes
a Keisuke Kinoshita film
Dan Schneider review

Twenty-Four Eyes ... is one of the worst filmic disappointments I can recall.
The Map to Everywhere
by Carrie Ryan and John Parke Davis - November 20th
Sam Hawksmoor review

I suspect that if Charles Dickens were alive and was going to write fantasy for kids – he might well conjure up something like this. 

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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