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Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Meiji Temple
Temples, Torii & Tatami on a culture-crammed Tour of Tokyo

Elizabeth von Pier

The Japanese love to give gifts, often for no reason at all, and we found that even the smallest purchase from a street vendor came nicely wrapped.
Paul Haire

I walk up the steps peering into the familiar, gloomy interior. I push open the awkwardly fitted door and enter, it’s peaceful as I close it behind me.
Taxco-City of Silver
Fred C. Wilson III

Taxco is officially known as one of Mexico’s ‘Pueblos Magicos’ Magic Towns thanks to its excellent crafters, colonial buildings and magnificent scenery.

Scott Garrett Scott Garrett needs an
Ass Kicking
- I Volunteer
James Campion

Garrett is proudly anti-gay, steeped in religious falderal. He reeks of hatred.
After Trump
James Campion
What Will Be Left of the Republican Party When Trump Loses?

The end game for Citizen Donald J. Trump has begun in earnest, and it is ugly, spiteful and completely nuts, but do not be fooled; it is not without method.
The Joke's Over + Readers Responses
James Campion

Donald J. Trump - Myth Buster Busted
the idea that somehow this outsider business mogul cum reality TV star could actually be a viable chief executive of the largest economy and most powerful military on planet earth is kaput.
Yes is Yes in Spain
James Skinner

A new face has appeared on the scene, Sr. Javier Fernandez, President of the autonomous region of Asturias, to take up the slack and start talking to Sr. Rajoy before the end of the month. His first speech was to remove the ‘Podemos’ (Sr. Pablo Iglesias communist movement) element from the party...

China Doesn’t Use Japanese Judo Terminology
Antonio Graceffo, PhD, China MBA

Parallel to my dissertation research on Chinese traditional wrestling, I completed a bit of research on Japanese judo because of the similarities between the two arts.
No Heavy Lifting
Sam Hawksmoor

I was asking students to tell me about something significant or life altering that had happened to them and suddenly thought –I’d better just try this thing myself... 
Time for Chris Christie
to Go to Jail

James Campion

Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Abuse of Power - Time for our governor to go to jail. - He won’t. - But he should.
Stiffed Indeed
Nigel West
on spy vs spy
Towards the end of April 1964 a slightly disheveled, disorientated middle-aged man stumbled through RAF Northolt after his arrival from Berlin where he had been exchanged in a spy-swap for the former KGB illegal resident in London, Konon Molody, who had been arrested in January 1961

REVIEWS Film & Books
Abigail George

'I loved the daily grind. The business side of it. Yet, I also felt crowded, pressured to be happy because of the heat of the day'.
The Lament of a Freelancer
Brodie Parker

Three days ago I took the liberty of shutting off all the utilities feeding into my apartment. First the electricity, then the gas, then the water.
Crooked Kingdom
The Crooked Kingdom
by Leigh Bardugo
Orion Children's Books 27.09.16
Six of Crows sequel

Crooked Kindgom is hugely rewarding and an urgent read. Highly recommended. Bardugo grows in stature as a writer...

Gas Masks
The Repercussions of Tomas D

Sam Hawksmoor

One Small Lie - Can Change History Forever

Creative Writing 101
600 words by Ian Searle

Diamonds - The Rush of'72
by Sam North
Twelve long years after Philip Arnold and John Slack had departed Kentucky, brimful of optimism, life found them stepping off the Oakland ferry into a sea of genuine San Francisco mud...
The Snowman
Victor Castleton

I couldn’t stop thinking about the unfinished man. “He had no face, and no arms..."

New This Month:
The Hunting published in Turkish as
Gölge - (Shadow) by Sam Hawksmoor
Publisher: Marti Yayincilik
ISBN 9786051860312
“Zekice, karanlik ve etkileyici. Bu kurgu kesinlikle tüylerinizi diken diken edecek.”

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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