Love and a pinch of nicotine
Suvojit Banerjee
The city is silent tonight. Not asleep, but like a huntress, she prowls me. My footsteps on the pitch road are accompanied by occasional heavy breathing, rustling of the leaves in the dry, cold breeze, and a callous noise of a passing vehicle, breaking the rhythm of it all
The Bad Neighbor
Martin Green
Frank Mancuso was awakened by a noise from outside. He sat up in bed. “What the hell is that?”
April Fools’ Day
Michelle D’costa
You know you are damned if your family follows every single freaking special DAY of the year
Oswaldo Jimenez
There wasn’t a day when Alice didn’t get up before her alarm clock went off. Alice was what people call a morning person. Mornings were magical to Alice for many reasons
Marcel D’Agneau interviews Sam Hawksmoor as the third and final volume of The Repossession trilogy is published - April 2014
On disability
Abigail George
Most of all out of anything in this world I want to become a better poet, a better woman, kinder, a better mother-figure. Odd that I feel maternal.
The Honeymooners
Chris Castle
A month after his fiancé died, Kai started to make the phone-calls. He rang the people he knew first; the caterer, the florist and explained what had happened. The first call had been a mess, the second and third not much better.
Director: Neil Burger
Divergent is actually better than the book. It takes its time to develop the characters and its all the better for that.
Voodoo, Slaves & White Man's Graves by Tom Coote
Sam North review
If you ever fantasised about flying to West Africa and exploring all its charms - read Voodoo, Slaves and White's Man Graves first. You may well alter your plans.
Dog Days by Andrew Thompson
Tales From an American Road Trip
Truth be told, anyone even thinking about taking a trip around American on a Discovery Pass should read this and hire a car immediately.
Hate by Allan Gibbons
Published April 2014
Alan Gibbons understands school life very well and all the seething tensions that affect everyone in it.
Going Home by Cliff McNish
Published April 2014
Talking dogs usually inhabit cartoons. They’re cute and kids love ‘em. Ugly, difficult, unwanted talking dogs is a totally different thing entirely.