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April 2018

••• The International Writers Magazine - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel
* We are now in semi-archive Mode - Thank you for reading us. 19 years and 7511 articles in this archive.
Explore and marvel at so many life changes since the turn of this century.

Colombia Journey
Dermot Sullivan

On Day Two in Colombia I realised that the company was not what I had hoped (or had been promised) and immediately tried to find work elsewhere (no-one travels across an ocean and then turns around after two days because of a ‘bad feeling’).
Border Crossings
Kara Dyer

International travel can be a stressful activity. This includes the planning process, deciding on the perfect location and the perfect accommodations. Then the packing; oh the packing! ...

Off the beaten track in Jordan’s Tafila
Marwan Asmar

The Tafila Governorate in Jordan’s south, and around 180 kilometer’s from Amman, is a heavenly dream world from the cultural-historical, to the therapeutic in its mineral waters and extensive nature reserve.

Ryan P
Exit Stage Ryan
James Campion

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has seen the writing on the wall and it is not good. Internal Republican polling strongly indicates there is a political Blue Tsunami coming in six months and he wants no part of it.
The Chase
James Skinner on Spain.
Fugitives from Catalonia being rounded up ready for a show trial. - The secret service placed a device in Puidgemont's car and were tracking his moves all the way to the Danish/German border...
I'm Officially Bored of Crazy Trump
James Campion

Crazy tweets about celebrities and half-baked conspiracy theories and campaign rallies and hookers and Russians and knee-jerk racist rants ... was amusing for a while ... but this has become tiresome.

Miami for the Art Lover

Elizabeth von Pier

Miami itself is an open-air art museum. It's a joy to walk along Ocean and Collins Avenues in South Beach and admire the pastel and neon art deco buildings which now house hotels, cafes and restaurants.
Hubbard's Cupboard
John M Edwards

I decided to enter the forbidden zone. Whence I was immediately greeted by a stunning woman with long black hair and wide friendly eyes who acted like a member of an evangelical church welcoming a walk-in with a rhubarb pie.
Girl with Cat
GIRL with CAT (Blue)

by Sam Hawksmoor
(1st Chapters)
Believing in a multiverse is one thing - actually crossing over into one risks madness. Jules believes it's possible, McReady, the sceptic, does not, either way - they have to find Lundein in Inglund & the Girl with Cat (Blue).
'Saska is awesome' Amazon.co.uk

whiskey sour
One Last Drink

Martin Green

It was almost eight on a January night in San Francisco.  Outside it was cold and foggy. The bar small, a neighborhood place where people stopped in for a drink after work. Paul was the only one there.
Still Eating Oranges
“We’re friends, right? Best friends, right? Friends, right?” asked the red toadstool with a toad on it. The toadstool was not speaking to the toad, who was age-mottled, crotchety and, crucially, as deaf as a doorknob with cotton in its keyhole.
Creative Writing and Claire
Martin Green

Like most people in my Northern California retirement community, I scan the obituaries in our Sunday newspaper.  I rarely see anyone I know; most have already passed on. On this particular Sunday, however, I saw a face that looked familiar

Graduate poster
The Graduate at 50

James Campion

Celebrating My Favorite Film with Author Beverly Gray
The Graduate, which is now a half century old. It is, I believe, as flawless a work of art as I have absorbed for now 35 of those years.
The Docks of New York (1928)
Dean Borok

The critical and commercial success of “The Artist” proves that the art of black and white silent cinema still holds value as a kind of celluloid Kabuki Theater,...
'Homo Deus' by Yuval Noah Harari
'Mankind becomes redundant in the face of an Ai dominated future'
The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by G W DahlQuist
'The most extraordinary & erotic Victorian Investigatative novel you will ever read. Beautifully crafted and shocking in scope.' Sam North

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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