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Order The Repossession
Joint winner of 'The Wirral'

'Smart, dark and graceful,
sends chills down your

Evie Seo - Bookish Blog

Read the sequel:

The Hunting

PLV Radio Live On-Air
Positive Living Radio
Sara Troy

The International
Writer's Magazine:
Pennsylvanian Dutch
John M Edwards

When my friend arrived I began brainstorming for something different to do, and I decided on a car trip to the Pennsylvania Dutch Country.
Hack, Slit, Squeal: Immunity in Georgetown, Chennai
Colin Todhunter

Hack, slit, slice. Butchery in Georgetown. Peeled, pink goat carcases in fly-ridden, one-room shops
Going Local in Thailand
The northeast of Thailand – called “Isan” by the locals – is the largest of the main regions of Thailand, yet is visited by only one percent of international travelers...
Ecuador - a guide
Fred C. Wilson III

You may never want to return to your country of origin once you visit Ecuador
Milos Radulovic

I've sort of stumbled into Cuba, to be honest. I didn't plan to have my vacation there, at all, from the start

Snowcat Theology of Science
James Campion

We possess a denial chip in our psyches that obliterates what should be an intrinsic sense that our resources are finite and the abuse of them bear consequences
The Beatles - The Legacy
James Campion

The Beatles were a moving pop sculpture, a walking billboard of patent waves...
Vodka With Sochi
Dean Borok

Conditions for the Sochi games couldn’t be more optional. The snowboarding events showed dreamy packed snow ... It’s as though Putin had found a way to even control the weather.
James Skinner on Spanish Politics

Now we have this new centre right party emerging with tsunami strength to challenge many of the right wing policies with their own recipe of management.
Ethics in “Modern” society
Schubi S

It is said that do whatever you want to do but be honest. Be honest in doing your work; be honest in every single thing that takes place around you.

Postcard from Ghent
Colin Todhunter

From a hot December in South India to zero degrees in Europe in a mere 12 hours - it's a shock
Rangoon's Colonial Architecture
Mark McGeachie

Somerset Maughan, George Orwell and Rudyard Kipling guests of the Strand Hotel in Rangoon
The Duke
John P Brady

I met a girl in a bar the usual way, whatever the hell that is, a few days before and we had exchanged numbers.
Need a Fix?
Walli F. Leff

Experienced “Master Fixers,” ... will help anybody repair a broken object or turn it into something else, including art
A Literary Adventure
James Skinner

I came across a small diary in a forgotten desk drawer
Austin - Texas
Marianne de Nazareth

The carousel was a razzle dazzle set of Gibson Guitars painted in wonderful hippie colours as a welcome to us into Austin, Texas.

REVIEWS Film & Books
Returning to America
Oswaldo Jimenez

It was precisely zero-six-hundred hours. Lieutenant Wilson climbed the steep step-ladder that led him into the bowels of the C-5 Galaxy that will transport him stateside.
Zapateado - Extract
Sam North

She came bursting out of the door, careening noisily off the far wall, staggering to a stop, dazzled by the glare of the moon against whitewashed walls.

The Depth Awaits
Abigail George

Pink watermelon flush in each cheek. Why didn’t you love me mum? Are you aware of the storm you created, rain pouring down, my heart feels as if red lace is wrapped around a stone, a canvas, the painter’s sketchbook.
Read The Wanderess
by Roman Payne

A gothic mystery novel and story of passion and romance set against the backdrop of a Mediterranean landscape

The Applicant
Samantha Memi

My mother always said the light shone straight through me...

The Interviews

Abigail George

Please sit. Are you comfortable? In this space I am. It’s a kind of sanctuary to me. I grew up here.
The Voice
Michelle D'costa

Sanjana sought refuge in the house attic on days she needed his company the most. She hadn’t told anyone of his presence. Not yet.
The Plant
Martin Green

“That plant of yours don’t look too good, Roy.  How’re you feeling?”
Told you so!
Oswaldo Jimenez

Here, here, listen to this one: enjoys sea-bathing, bright sunlight, human emotions, the simpler pleasures, and on the intellectual side, thinking clearly...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown
by Holly Black
Sam Hawksmoor review
Exciting, violent, sexy, Tana is a wonderful creation -sarcastic, yet very sensitive.
If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch
Indigo Paperback Feb '14
Sam Hawksmoor review
Carey has never known anything other than surviving, starving, hunting squirrels for meat and raising her little sister ‘right’

Alice Munro’s 'Face'
Michelle D'costa review

It is a story from which you cannot even take your eyes off for a second

NEWS: John M Edwards wins
5 NATJA awards for his contributions to Hackwriters in 2013
Sojourn in Sopron wins Silver
Montezuma's Revenge wins Bronze

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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