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Order The Repossession
Joint winner of 'The Wirral'

'Smart, dark and graceful,
sends chills down your

Evie Seo - Bookish Blog

Read the sequel:

The Hunting

PLV Radio Live On-Air
Positive Living Radio
Sara Troy

The International
Writer's Magazine:
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
Museums & Churches of Quebec
Fred C Wilson III

I’ve always wanted to visit our neighbor to the north. At long last I was going to see Canada
'Guided' tour of Marrakech Medina
Eleanor Shelton

I had a sense of impending doom even before I exited the taxi...
Huxian farmer paintings of Shaanxi Shivaji Das in China
Fattened chickens delicately balanced in a bicycle, joyous grandmothers cleaning the ears of laughing grandfathers
Timelines & Tramroads –
Crickhowell Walking Festival

Jane Anderson
“Over there,” our leader announced “you can see Llangorse Lake.  Last year a water-skier was bitten by a pike”.  Silence dropped over the group. 
Mathew Sterne

On a street in Barcelona we sit and watch the prostitutes go by...
Omaha Dining
Marianne de Nazareth

Never thought the experience of eating out in Omaha, USA could be such fun
Postcard from Cahuita
John M. Edwards

I stood in a state of stupefaction, eavesdropping on a few random undocumented locals who looked like they were engaging in a slapping fight...

Dean Borok

People, as a rule, are not interesting. That’s why they need artists, to make them seem fascinating.
Major League Baseball

Still broken after all these years
James Campion

Major League Baseball continues its over a century of government-sanctioned fraud, racketeering, suspension of civil rights, and illegal business practices this week...
Life and Death in Spain

James Skinner

Just before the Spanish Parliament was dissolved it announced a reform of the abortion laws that had been introduced during the Socialist years...
Buying India: A solution for our times
Shubhi S

We do not favor Indian products and go for imported goods. Why do we let our money flow outside country?
Love Honeys
Dean Borok

Now that Canada’s Supreme Court has struck down all that country’s prostitution laws, it is only a matter of time...
Last Chance Power Drive
Chris Christie: Welcome to Thunderdome - James Campion
Goa Surf Dog
Adeel Halim's Palolem
Beach Story

Mission to Mexico
Fred C. Wilson III

I was invited to come to Mexico to assist Fr. John Calgaro or Padre Juan as he’s affectionately called by his large flock of 35,000 souls with his religious mission
Visiting Highclere Castle, aka Downton Abbey - Marija Stajic
If you’re one of the millions of fan of the award-winning Downton Abbey series, a thought of visiting the real castle must have entered your mind once or twice.
Roy Valenzuela

My New Year plans are very simple going but are also culture defying. I'm a trainer, a carpenter, and a writer - between the three I've been able to solidify my financial base
Astro Poboys
John M Edwards

John discovers New Orleans unique cuisine to be out of this world...
My Jewish Stories of Africa
Irene Shaland

My husband and I have traveled the world together for over 30 years, ever-attuned to the Jewish story

REVIEWS Film & Books
The Monk’s Mission
Abigail George

I sit here as the aftertime explodes into life continued. Dirty hands from constant gardening, the bloody-everything of war on the television, in the air, feet on the stairs, and a stampede in the house of childhood
Michelle D'costa

You pay more for a sea view, I pay more for a live show.
The Curse of the Nibelung
Sam North
A Sherlock Holmes Mystery

Winston put down his whisky and breathed a sigh of relief. With Holmes back in the picture, England might yet be saved.

Mr K vs Ms F
Oswaldo Jimenez

Thank you for sharing the journals with me. I’m sorry they have caused you so much grief...
Really Old
Martin Green

My day usually begins with a slight jolt when I see myself in the bathroom mirror.   Who is that bald old guy with the bumps on his head and the funny-looking ear...
The Jar
Chelle Viegas

Petty things irked him like the bit of green leaf stuck between her teeth when she smiled after eating salad
Prelude for ‘Spaced’

Time is nothing but space that moves from one point to another. It is a common, even debatable, theory

The New American Road Trip Mixtape by Brendan Leonard
John M. Edwards review

Brendan Leonard lives in a van. Even though Brendan has never left the United States, the brave native Iowan has climbed most of the big peaks in the Western United States
Tatiana by Martin Cruz Smith
Sam Hawksmoor review

Tatiana is the latest in a long line of Renko novels - the cop that has been beaten up so many times, exposed to radiation and all manner of shootings it's practically a crime he's still alive ...
Kiss Me Deadly
Dean Borok DVD review

It’s always more agreeable to see a private dick getting his brains stomped out by a gang of fashionably accessorized thugs sporting boxy, wide-shouldered suits, ties, fedora hats

Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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