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JULY 2018

••• The International Writers Magazine - Comment - Lifestyles - Fiction - Travel
Travel stories
Politics & Comment
How we live
British Library
Visiting with the Treasures of the British Library

Bonnie Devet

It’s a British morning, with its customary grayness suspended heavily from the sky. Eager souls, including me, are queuing along London’s Euston Road, alining a ramp before the entrance to the British Library.
La Jinetera
Barbara Torresi in Cuba
While waiting for Mr Right to rescue her from a life of hardship she rarely passes up an opportunity to make a few bucks
Round Trip to Hel
Anita Sheard

I can honestly and truly say that I have been to Hel, and back. I went by train; an old black steam train to be precise

Where Were You When The President Committed Treason?

James Campion

Trump managed in a few sentences to betray the sovereignty of the nation he purports to lead on foreign soil while simultaneously acting like the weakest lapdog this nation has sent into any summit.
Explaining "Roe v. Wade" in the Age of Stupid + Readers Letters
James Campion

Roe v. Wade is not about abortion ..., it is about the government’s right to enter the bodies of tax paying citizens and control the results.Pedro Sanchez
The Charmer
James Skinner
Tax and Spend returns to Spain - PM Sanchez is now Mr. ‘Nice Guy’ ready to talk to everyone, full of positive good will and painting a rosy picture of a real ‘change’ in Spanish politics

Debt-laden Brits could face crisis – City watchdog alerts
Jimmy Simond

... consumer credit is also growing at a yearly rate of 10pc
Marijuana is Better than Opiates at Treating Pain
Sharon Torres

Recent studies have shown that drugs and psychedelic substances have some beneficial components that science can use to produce different medicine to help relieve pain.
To El Paso, With love

Allison Racimo

I hate crying. With my nose red, puffy eyes, and never ending hiccups, I am not a pretty sight to behold. Crying was never part of the plan when I left Philadelphia for El Paso, Texas.
Jagged Little Pill
Dean Borok

What level of understanding can you reach with a person who has never read a book?

REVIEWS Film & Books

"Are You Not Crazy?"
James C. Clar

Through one of the windows I caught sight of two Japanese women. One was my age, late-50 or early 60’s while the other was younger, maybe 35 or so.Cuba
Havana Visit
Jerry Alan
- Tales from a Balcony
It was heating up on the balcony.  Laurant, laboring on a homonym, was trying to finish his sentence but a desire to crawl back into bed with Tahimi kept returning to his mind. It was 12:30 pm and she was still asleep.  He was up since nine ...

subway stop
The Wrong Stop

Martin Green

It was a typical gray dismal raw New York City spring morning.  Jenkins stood, crammed with dozens of other blank-faced people, in the subway car headed for his office downtown.
J&K 4Ever
Jeyna listened as Martha lay dying on the hill. The wounds on her body were festering and angry. No one knew how she’d got there or why she’d been attacked. Although she was obviously in a great deal of pain, no one could help her. It was strictly forbidden. Pity could get you whipped in Bluette ...

Girl with Cat Blue
Girl with Cat (Blue)
by Sam Hawksmoor

* Shortlisted for the Rubery International Book Award 2018
Allen Cook review
Exciting epic fantasy novel... It packs a punch that is hard to deflect.
Devil’s Bargain - Steve Bannon, Donald Trump & the Storming of the Presidency by Joshua Green
Penguin Press, New York 2017
Steve Wheeler review
'Truth and veracity weren’t his top priority…'
A Skinfull of Shadows
by Frances Hardinge
Macmillan Childrens Books

...a wonderful fantasy about a girl, a bear, ghosts and the English Civil War
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em and little fleas have lesser fleas ...ad infinitum - Augustus de Morgan
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